Yinka Oshitelu is a london born Nigerian dancer living in greater Tokyo. 

She founded form and freedom in 2014 as a way to combine her greatest passions, working with kids, hip hop music and dancing. The ethos of the company is grounded in her Christian faith. Get to know her more by watching below video. 

Commercial work history

Teaching history

インカ・オシテル ロンドン生まれ、東京在住のナイジェリア人ダンサー。

2014年、自身の最大の情熱である子供たちとの関わり、ヒップホップ音楽、ダンスを融合させる方法として、form and freedomを設立。会社の理念は、彼女のキリスト教の信仰に根ざしています。以下の動画から彼女のことをもっと知ってください。 



ARISA SAITO is a certified children’s coach and has trained extensively in the fields of child dance education.

She has traveled throughout the Caribbean, the African continent and Europe in the pursuit of improving her understanding and capabilities as a dancer, specialising in Traditional as well as African street styles of dance. She stays active as a choreographer for artists as well as children's TV programmes.

Commercial work history



Teaching history



アリサ・サイトウ 児童コーチの資格を持ち、ダンス教育の分野で幅広いトレーニングを受けています。



